I have a question about my Social Security Payments, who can I talk to?
The Federal Benefits Unit at the U.S. Embassy oversees all matters related to Social Security and other federal benefits. Please contact them at the e-mail below for further assistance.
You can visit their webpage for more information: https://mx.usembassy.gov/federal-benefits-unit/
If the applicant does not know how to fill out the application online. A person can assist the applicant by writing an email to FBU with the following information:
Applicant full Name
Applicants phone number
Applicant Social Security number (last 4 digits)
Applicant home address
Applicant both parents name and last name
Once FBU receives the email, they will contact the applicant for an interview.
La Unidad de Beneficios Federales de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos supervisa todos los asuntos relacionados con el Seguro Social y otros beneficios federales. Puede visitar su página web para obtener más información: https://mx.usembassy.gov/es/social-security o envíe un correo electrónico a la dirección abajo para obtener mas ayuda.
My US Passport is expired, how can it be renewed?
You can find all our passport services here: https://mx.usembassy.gov/passports/
Depending on the type of application you are submitting, you might be able to qualify for one of our two mail-in programs and send us your paperwork using a private courier service. If you do not qualify for the mail-in program, you will need to make an appointment and apply in-person.
Mail-in programs – Mexico City and Guadalajara ONLY.
1. Adults renewing a 10-year valid passport: Eligible applicants must be Mexican residents. You pay the renewal fee online and mail your documents to Mexico City or Guadalajara.   Minors do not qualify for this program. Payment for this program is made online.
Requirements for Mail-in renewals: https://mx.usembassy.gov/passport-walk-in-renewals/
Info on mail-in renewals: https://mx.usembassy.gov/passports/u-s-passport-renewal-by-mail/
2. Replacing limited Validity Passport for a full validity passport: Eligible applicants includes those whose passport is undamaged, was issued within the last year, and the endorsement page reads either “This passport expires on (M/D/Y) and cannot be extended.” OR “This passport is a replacement for a Lost/Stolen/Damaged Passport and expires on (M/D/Y).” No fee is required if you meet the above criteria.
Click this link for information regarding this program.
Applying in person
If you are applying for a passport for the first time or do not qualify for either of the two mail-in options above, please make an appointment to submit your application.
We ask for your continued patience in checking our online scheduling page for appointment availability considering that we still have limited capacity and we are currently experiencing a high demand in our services: https://mx.usembassy.gov/passports/
Emergency Passport
We are currently scheduling emergency appointments only for people with an urgent need. If you are requesting an emergency appointment, please email MexicoCityPassport@state.gov and attach a copy of your travel itinerary, immigration appointment, or other urgent need. Also include:
Full name of the applicant:
Date of birth:
Phone number:
E-mail contact address:
Travel date:
Purpose of emergency travel:
Previous passport expiration date:
Validity of previous passport, 5 or 10 years:
Please attach a proof of your emergency in pdf format, e.g., travel itinerary, medical documents in letterhead, etc... otherwise, we will not consider your case as an emergency.
Puede encontrar todos nuestros servicios de pasaporte en el siguiente enlace: https://mx.usembassy.gov/es/passport-services-es/
Dependiendo el tipo de solicitud que está ingresando, podrá ser elegible para calificar a uno o los dos programas de mensajería y enviarnos sus documentos usando un servicio de mensajería privada. Si usted no califica para el programa de mensajería, deberá de hacer una cita y realizar el trámite en persona.
1. Adultos renovando un pasaporte con validez de 10- años: Los solicitantes elegibles deberán de ser residentes de México. El pago se realiza en línea y se envían los documentos a la Ciudad de México o Guadalajara. Las renovaciones de menores no califican para este programa.
2. Reemplazar un Pasaporte de Validez Limitada por uno de validez total. Los solicitantes elegibles son aquellos que su pasaporte no ha sufrido daños, se expidió dentro del último año, y la página del endorsement dice “This passport expires on (M/D/Y) and cannot be extended.” O “This passport is a replacement for a Lost/Stolen/Damaged Passport and expires on (M/D/Y).” No se requiere un pago si usted cumple con los criterios anteriores.
Ingrese a este enlace para más información referente a este programa.
Solicitudes en persona
Si usted está solicitando un pasaporte por primera vez o no califica para alguno de nuestros dos programas de renovación mencionados previamente, por favor haga una cita para presentar su solicitud.
Le pedimos ser paciente al visitar nuestro calendario de citas en el sitio web para verificar la disponibilidad en nuestros servicios considerando que aún tenemos capacidad limitada y que estamos experimentando actualmente una alta demanda:  https://mx.usembassy.gov/es/passport-services-es/
Pasaporte Expirado:
Si se encuentra en el extranjero y su pasaporte venció el 1 de enero de 2020 o después de esa fecha, es posible que pueda usar su pasaporte vencido para regresar directamente a los Estados Unidos hasta el 30 de junio de 2022. Para información de cómo regresar a E.U. con un pasaporte expirado y verificar si califica consulte este enlace.
Actualmente estamos agendando citas de emergencia para personas con una necesidad urgente de viaje. Si está solicitando una cita de emergencia, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a MexicoCityPassport@state.gov y adjunte una copia de itinerario de vuelo (con 3-4 semanas de anticipación), una cita con migración u otro comprobante de emergencia. También incluya la siguiente información:
Nombre completo del solicitante:  
Fecha de nacimiento:  
Número de teléfono:  
Correo electrónico de contacto:  
Fecha de viaje:  
Motivo del viaje de emergencia:   
Fecha de expiración del último pasaporte:  
Vigencia del pasaporte anterior, 5 o 10 años:
Por favor anexe en formato pdf el comprobante de su emergencia, Ej; itinerario de viaje, documentos médicos con membrete, etc... De lo contrario no se podrá considerar su caso como una emergencia.
Si no califica para nuestro Programa de entrega de renovación para adultos, complete el proceso de solicitud de renovación de pasaporte en nuestro sitio web:
Si, en las próximas dos semanas, tiene un viaje inminente a los EE. UU. O una cita con el INM, envíe un correo electrónico a MexicoCityPassport@state.gov e incluya su itinerario de viaje.
My U.S. Tourist visa is expired, how can it be renewed?
You may check the status of visa operations and start the visa application process on our website: https://mx.usembassy.gov/visas/nonimmigrant-visas/
If you have emergency travel within the next two weeks, please begin the application process on our website. Once you have an appointment, go to the webpage below and request an expedited appointment:
You can request an expedited appointment. To request an expedited appointment, first schedule a regular appointment on the closest available date. Then, sign-in to your account, click “Continue”, select "Request Expedite" and follow the instructions. Expedited Appointments will only be granted at the Consular Section’s discretion. Circumstances that may be considered for expedited appointments include:
An immediate relative's death, grave illness or life threatening accident taking place in the United States.
Urgent medical treatment for the applicant or their minor child.
An applicant for a student or exchange visitor (F/M/J) visa whose I-20 or DS-2019 has a start date that is earlier than the first available visa appointment.
An unexpected need to travel to the United States for urgent business purposes that is occurring within 10 days after the first available visa appointment.
An unexpected visit that is of significant cultural, political, journalistic, sporting or economic importance that is occurring within 10 days after the first available visa appointment.
Circumstances considered for expedited appointments may vary. When you request an expedited appointment, you will see the list of acceptable circumstances in the country where you are applying for a visa.
If you lost your visa or it was stolen, please contact us here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=dFDPZv5a0UimkaErISH0S6_YVkIx4RZPlXUOuC0_xh1UNkNJTkI2SFM5WjRSV1FHUzBRS1I2MjZHWS4u
If you have any questions along the way, you may send them to Visas_Mexico@state.gov
Puede verificar el estado de operaciones de visa y comenzar el proceso de solicitud de visa en nuestro sitio web: https://mx.usembassy.gov/es/visas-es/
Si tiene un viaje de emergencia dentro de las próximas dos semanas, comience el proceso de solicitud en nuestro sitio web. Una vez que tenga una cita, vaya a la pagina web abajo, y solicite una cita acelerada:
Si perdiste tu visa o se la robaron, contáctanos aquí: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=dFDPZv5a0UimkaErISH0S6_YVkIx4RZPlXUOuC0_xh1UNkNJTkI2SFM5WjRSV1FHUzBRS1I2MjZHWS4u
Si tiene alguna pregunta en el camino, puede enviarla a Visas_Mexico@state.gov
How many days a Non-US citizen may stay in the US?
The time period is subject to the type of visa they have. For most B1/B2 (tourist/business) visas, it's six months. Please note that CBP has the final authority on who may enter and for how long a person may stay each time he/she travels to the US. For more information:
El período de tiempo está sujeto al tipo de visa que tengan. Para la mayoría de las visas B1 / B2 (turismo / negocios), son seis meses. Tenga en cuenta que CBP tiene la autoridad final sobre quién puede ingresar y cuánto tiempo puede quedarse una persona cada vez que viaja a los EE. UU. Para más información:
Notary and Apostille Services
Limited Appointment Availability
The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City is currently scheduling a limited number of routine appointments for notarial services. If no appointments are available when you first check the online calendar, please keep checking the calendar for added and/or canceled appointments: https://mx.usembassy.gov/services/notarials/. You may also check the availability of appointments at any of the consulates and consular agencies in Mexico. Please also consider whether remote notarization is an option (see more information below).
DS-3053 Notarizations
If you need to notarize a DS- 3053 form, we are offering walk-in services exclusively for this service on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 8 am to 11 am, except for holidays when the Embassy is closed. The DS-3053 is used when one or both legal parents and/or legal guardians cannot appear in person with a minor child at the time of the minor’s passport application. Make sure the form is filled out correctly and that you are bringing a valid form of ID. Keep in mind that this is not to drop-off DS-3053s that have already been notarized in either the United States or Mexico that are missing from an existing passport application; this is ONLY to notarize a new DS-3053. No other forms or documents will be notarized during this walk-in time period.
Vital Records or Birth Certificates
Keep in mind that we do not issue vital records or birth certificates. They must be obtained from either the state or federal authority in the United States that issued the document. For those who are seeking to notarize a request form for vital records/birth certificates to apply for a U.S. passport, please send us an email at mexicocitypassport@state.gov with your name, date of birth, and the U.S. state from which you are requesting your birth certificate/vital record.
The U.S. Embassy and its consulates do not issue apostilles. An apostille must be obtained from either the state or federal authority in the United States that issued the document.
Alternative Notarial Services
For those seeking to notarize documents for use in the United States, if you are unable to obtain an appointment at the nearest Embassy, Consulate, or Consular Agency due to the limited services available, you may wish to consider using alternative options, to include utilizing a remote notarial service provider. Remote online notarization, which is also referred to as webcam notarization, online notarization, or virtual notarization, allows the signer to personally appear before the Notary at the time of the notarization using audio-visual technology over the internet instead of being physically present in the same room. Many states accept documents notarized through online services; you will need to research whether they can be used in the state where your document will be filed and if any special conditions apply. Remote notarization could fulfil your need for DHL more quickly. For more information and to find an online notary please visit the website of the National Notary Association.
Disponibilidad limitada de citas de Servicios Notariales
La Embajada de los Estados Unidos en la Ciudad de México actualmente está programando un número limitado de citas de rutina para servicios notariales. Si no hay citas disponibles cuando revisa el calendario en línea por primera vez, siga revisando el calendario para ver si hay citas agregadas o canceladas: https://mx.usembassy.gov/es/consular-services-es/notarials-es/ También puede consultar la disponibilidad de citas en cualquiera de los consulados y agencias consulares en México. Considere también si la notarización remota es una opción.
La Embajada de los Estados Unidos y sus consulados no emiten apostillas. Se debe obtener una apostilla de la autoridad estatal o federal en los Estados Unidos que emitió el documento.
Do I need to have a Covid test to travel to the US?
As of June 12, 2022, the Covid test requirement has been suspended.
Non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrant must show proof of being fully vaccinated with the primary series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine before you board your flight to the United States. Only limited exceptions apply.
A partir del 12 de junio de 2022 el requisito de prueba de Covid negativa fue suspendido.
Para obtener toda la información relacionada con COVID y los requisitos de viaje, visite:
We do not have an IRS representative at post. However, you can visit the IRS website to learn how to file for taxes overseas: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/u-s-citizens-and-resident-aliens-abroad
No tenemos un representante del IRS en esta sede diplomática. Sin embargo, usted puede visitar el sitio web de IRS para saber cómo declarar sus impuestos desde el extranjero: https://www.irs.gov/spanish/ciudadanos-y-extranjeros-residentes-de-los-eeuu-en-el-extranjero
Additional US Embassy information:
For Emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call (55) 8526 2561 from Mexico or 1-844-528-6611 from the United States.
The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City is located at:
Paseo de la Reforma 305
Colonia Cuauhtémoc, 06500, CDMX
Phone: +52-55-5080-2000
Fax: +52-55-5080-2005
E-Mail: ACSMexicoCity@state.gov
State Department – Consular Affairs: 888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
Follow the U.S. Embassy in Mexico on Facebook and Twitter.
Review the Crime and Safety Reports for Mexico.
Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist.