2025 Cherry Pie Festival & Annual Meeting
March 20, 7 pm, U.S. Ambassador's Residence

Time to Renew
As we begin 2025, we want to remind you to renew your membership. Individual membership is just 400 pesos. Please consider raising your membership level to Family for 750 pesos, or Gold for 1500 pesos. Members in good standing will receive an invitation to the annual Cherry Pie Festival in March at the Ambassador's Residence.
The ABS delivers more than 3000 services each year to American Citizens including more than 500 welfare calls and visits.
The ABS opened its doors on Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1868. Its purpose: "To support American citizens of good behavior, that due to illness are unable to work or that might be in a bad financial condition."

Monica celebrated her 100th birthday in November 2021. We supplement her Social Security income with a small pension.

Several hundred Mexico City residents received flu and shingles vaccines when our Health Fair made a return after being cancelled by Covid concerns.

Octavio receives a Thanksgiving meal thanks to our business partnership with Pinche Gringo restaurants.

Monica celebrated her 100th birthday in November 2021. We supplement her Social Security income with a small pension.
At that first meeting 25 members paid $2 apiece to help carry out the mission of The ABS. We continue to rely upon membership dues and donations to carry out our work.
In this gallery we highlight a few of our beneficiaries.
Voter Assistance
Staff and volunteers of The ABS have been trained by the Federal Voting Assistance Program (fvap.gov). We offer in-person, telephone, email, and Zoom assistance to American citizens in:
Voter Registration and Address Change
Absentee Ballot Request
Absentee Ballot Return
Problems with voting
FVAP recommends that all Americans living abroad submit a registration/ballot request form called an FPCA every year
PHOTO: Oliver, a student at the American School, will be able to vote on Nov. 5. We assisted Oliver and his parents at the American Legion on Memorial Day Weekend. Seventeen-year-olds who will turn 18 by election day can register to vote.

Sign up for announcement of our next in-person voter assistance event.
A final resting place for U. S. and Mexican citizens
The American Cemetery | Panteon Americano was founded by The ABS in 1898 as a final resting place for Americans living in Mexico City. The cemetery is open to the public from 8 am to 4 pm 365 days. Walking through the cemetery you will find Mexican and U. S. citizens lying side by side for eternity. Calzada Mexico-Tacuba 115, Miguel Hidalgo